Where did WQ TMA concept come from?
The formation of a voluntary TMA was a condition of the planning consent granted for WQ. This was set out in the District Plan 2004.
Who are the members of the TMA?
Anyone who operates a business within the WQ TMA boundary (to view boundary map click here) can join as a member by paying an annual fee. For the avoidance of doubt, a person may be a full member only once at the same time. WQ TMA can have members that are outside the boundary area and these would be known as associate members.
Who owns the TMA?
The WQ TMA is a business led Transport Management Association owned by the businesses and stakeholders in WQ.
How will the TMA operate?
The Board of Directors can chose how it is set up, within the Rules registered with the Incorporated Societies Office. The Board of Directors will meet monthly. Subcommittees may be set up to look after particular projects. These sub committees will report into the monthly Board meetings. Not every person will be on every subcommittee and those on the subcommittees do not need to attend all Board meetings.
How is the TMA funded?
Auckland Transport (AT) supported reigniting the TMA (2015-2017). Now WQ TMA is fully functioning as an independent business led organization, it is envisaged that funding will come from members and/or grant funding.
How much will membership fees be?
Membership fees have been mooted at $1 per employee. Different fees have been set for developers, stakeholders, CCO’s and construction companies. Click here for current membership fees. Membership fees can be reviewed and amended at the Annual General Meeting.
How can I become a Board member?
First you need to join the TMA as a member, as only members can be selected for the Board. Elections are held each year and you can put your name forward for any vacant seats on the Board. Nomination forms and details of the Annual General Meeting will be on the website.
How can the TMA raise revenue?
As an Incorporated Society the TMA can apply for funding from Auckland Transport, Auckland Council, Local Community Boards, Heart of the City and any other agency they may wish to approach.
WQ TMA would have to produce a document (business case) outlining the projects they wish to have funded, the benefits to WQ businesses along with targets and costs. This document could then, potentially, form the basis for a partnership agreement between the funding body and WQ TMA Board.
Can the general public be involved?
If a member of the general public (who is not a member of WQ TMA) wishes to attend Board meetings they must seek the consent of the Board. Any member of WQ TMA may attend and observe Board meetings. This website has notes of previous meetings, annual accounts, general information and provides an opportunity for engagement.
What reports have been produced?
Auckland Transport funding has covered the production of four strategic reports: Moving Forward, Parking Plan and the Construction Workers and Contractors Access Plan, and a Business Plan. These can be found in the Info Centre section of this website.
What was the role of the Interim Board?
The Interim Board was the group that is charged with the organizational development aspects of creating the TMA. This work included defining the vision, mission, goals and objectives. It also developed the membership, governance and membership fee structures. The Interim Board created the legal documents associated with establishing an Incorporated Society. The Interim Board existed until July 2017 and was succeeded by the formally elected Board members.
What will WQ TMA NOT be doing?
WQ TMA will not be setting policies or making decisions that are the responsibility of Auckland Council or Auckland Transport. Much like Business Improvement Districts, the TMA can advocate for changes in policy.
What are the targets that were set?
The District Plan set targets for Wynyard Quarter. There was to be a 30/70 modal split achieved by 2030 (no more than 30% of trips to be single occupancy vehicles). There are also maximum traffic count levels at key intersections leading into Wynyard Quarter at both morning and afternoon peak times. Auckland Transport (AT) survey the area annually to monitor traffic flows and vehicle occupancy levels. Copies of AT surveys can be made available upon request. These targets do not belong to WQ TMA, they belong to Auckland Council and Auckland Transport.
What happens if the targets are exceeded?
If the targets are exceeded no further resource consents will be issued by Auckland Council for the Wynyard Quarter area and development will cease.
What are Auckland Council responsible for?
Auckland Council (AC) set the overarching strategies and targets for the Auckland region. Auckland Transport (AT) and Panuku Development Auckland (PDA) are council controlled organizations (CCOs).
What are Auckland Transport responsible for?
Auckland Transport (AT) are responsible for delivering transport for the whole of Auckland. AT own and maintain all public roads (except the State Highways which are managed by NZ Transport Agency) and footpaths, they manage public transport services (buses, trains and ferries). AT encourage and facilitate cycling and walking (active modes) as well as monitoring traffic volumes. AT manage many car parks across the region including all the on street parking in WQ. One example would be Jellicoe Street public car park which is managed by AT but owned by Panuku Development Auckland.
What does Panuku do?
Panuku Development Auckland (Panuku) are the Council Controlled Organisation responsible for the regeneration of the Wynyard Quarter area; they are also a principal land owner in WQ. By owning land, Panuku has some influence over development (and some parking control) in the area. Panuku work closely with developers to balance the objectives of regenerating WQ with development needs. Panuku work alongside Auckland Transport to deliver transport solutions for the area. Visit Panuku Auckland online for more information.
What does New Zealand Transport Agency do?
New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) manage the State Highways, These are the main arterial routes through NZ. A motorway alliance group (which includes representatives from Auckland Council and Auckland Transport) works in partnership with NZTA with regard to maintaining traffic flows through Auckland.