Benefits of membership of WQ TMA
Being a member of WQ TMA ensures that your voice is heard on transport issues that matter to you. Your team can benefit from free advice and services. You can network, share and learn from other businesses. WQ TMA Board meet once a month, and as a member you will have access to up to the minute information. You will get regular updates and can become involved as much as you wish. A full list of benefits is below.
Wynyard Quarter businesses will have one strong collective voice. WQ TMA will communicate directly with Auckland Council, Panuku and Auckland Transport. WQ TMA will collate feedback from Wynyard Quarter businesses on key issues and projects and share that with the relevant CCO's.
One strong collective voice
Advocating for transport and roading
Notifiable organisation
One stop shop
By working together WQ businesses will, regardless of size, have a voice. Being connected and collaborating with others will save time and money, thereby potentially reducing business costs.
Make sure your voice is heard
Benefit from networking
Advice and help with accessibility from WQ
WQ TMA will provide relevant, timely advice and information in one accessible portal. Businesses can share with others, avoid duplications and be kept informed.
Be informed about what is going on
Get regular relevant information
One place
to find information
Share information with others
WQ TMA members will have access to transport related data and surveys upon which they can make clear decisions. Sharing of templates can save money and ensure consistent and comparable quality of data collection.
Access to transport data and insights
Ability to bench mark your business against others
Share survey templates
Employees can benefit from help and advice to exploit all commuting travel choices. Expert help and advice will be on hand and support given to all WQ TMA members. Staff morale will be improved, along with business productivity.
Access to expert transport advice for your team
Access to resources to help with commuting
Increase staff morale by providing options
Strength in numbers for new initiatives
Be part of the first business led TMA in New Zealand and help shape accessibility options for WQ. Help guide and set up new transport initiatives that will benefit WQ and its employees.
Improve access - parking and public transport
Guide the
direction of
the TMA
Access to independent coordinator
Access to WQ accessibility plans and maps
Join us now